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What is the Xampp Server?

XAMPP Server is a free and open source cross-platform web server solution stack package developed by Apache. The best feature of XAMPP is ease of installation. With XAMPP you don’t need to install each of the individual components of a web server individually .So  the installation is easier and quicker. No need to worry about the PHP configuration or MySQL setup etc.


XAMPP is an absolutely wonderful open-source tool. It has the following packages built in:

  • Apache: The standard web server and the cornerstone of the package

  • PHP: Configured and ready to start with Apache and MySQL

  • MySQL: Also configured to work with Apache and PHP

  • phpMyAdmin: A data management tool that’s ready to run

  • Mercury Mail: A mail server

  • FileZilla FTP server: An FTP server

  • PHP libraries: A number of useful PHP add-ons, including GD (graphics support), Ming (Flash support), and more

  • Additional languages: Perl, another extremely popular scripting and server language, and SQLite, another useful database package

  • Control and configuration tools: A Control Panel that allows you to easily turn various components on and off

Difference Between Xampp and Wamp:


  • The full form of Wamp is Windows, Apache, MySQL and PHP as it combines all four
  • Wamp is an open-source platform
  • It works on the Windows OS
  • Uses the Apache web server
  • Uses the Mysql relational database management system
  • PHP is the object-oriented scripting language.


  • The full form of Xampp is x-os, apache, mysql, php, perl
  • Xampp is an open-source platform
  • Includes X-OS because it can be used for all major OS such as Windows, Mac and Linux
  • Xampp also includes extra features like supporting perl, filezilla, mercury mail and some other scripts