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Amazing soft has been a leading software company in Bangladesh since 2008. We provide IT related solution.  We also Develop Dynamic web Application Software, SEO, Domain hosting and Graphics design services.

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The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using a WordPress Template

A WordPress template is a ready-made layout created for WordPress — that serves as a solution for building a website from scratch or revamping your pre-existing website design.  Templates are build with a back end functionality that easily allows you to customize your branding, elements of your homepage layout as well as your inner pages.

There are many advantages to working with a WordPress template website design, however, there are also disadvantages.

Advantages of a Template Website Design

  1. Cost – One major advantage of working with a template website design is cost. Due to the fact that you are working with a website framework that has already been designed and developed,there is a lot of cost that would be involved that you’re able to bypass. This makes it easier for individuals that are a part of a start up or small business with a minimal budget to obtain a website design that will better suite their needs as well as their wallet.
  2. Time – To go hand and hand with costs, another thing you are saving is time. Designing and developing a website can take weeks and, maybe even months. With a template website design you can get up and live within minutes of your purchase.
  3. Creativity –  Putting together a website design does require some creativity. You have to think about how you want your home page to be laid out as well as your inner page designs. Working with a template, however, does a lot of this work for you. The homepage is already built out, as well as many interior p
    ages that you can utilize when putting together your “Team”, “Blog”, “About,” and “Contact” pages. All you have to do is load the content into these areas, and you’re good to go!

Disadvantages of a Template Website Design

  1. Functionality – Although there are advantages of skipping past having a custom website designed and developed, there are many downsides. Since you are limited to the framework of your template, you also have to work around it. You don’t have custom functionality that is built out specifically for you and your company and might regularly ask “can I have it look or function this specific away”…and the answer might be “no”. This functionality might need to be custom-built out by developers, making you find work around or put additional funds down in order to have the functionality build out exactly the way you envision.
  2. Malware – When you are working with a framework that is built for the mass public there are a lot of vulnerabilities that become involved. Since the website’s code was not custom built for just one company’s website, there is more of a likelihood of viruses. Due to this, it is important to constantly update any plugins you might have on your website and even purchase a Security Bundle from us to build a defense of heightened security to keep you protected.
  3. Creativity – Although I did include creativity in the list of advantages, it can also be a potential problem. Since your template design is in a public marketplace that is able to be viewed by the public, there are many other people that could use the same theme that you did! A business nearby or, potentially, even your main business competitor has access to that same website design and might feel that it works for them the same way you did yourself. You might discover soon after launch or, a few months after, that there’s a company that has the same design you do!