Amazing soft has been a leading software company in Bangladesh since 2008. We provide IT related solution.  We also Develop Dynamic web Application Software, SEO, Domain hosting and Graphics design services.

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Description of World Wide Web

The World Wide Web commonly referred to as WWW, W3, or the Web—is an interconnected system of public webpages accessible through the Internet. The Web is not the same as the Internet: the Web is one of many applications built on top of the Internet.

Tim Berners-Lee proposed the architecture of what became known as the World Wide Web. He created the first web server, web browser, and webpage on his computer at the CERN physics research lab in 1990.

The system we know today as “the Web” consists of several components:

  • The HTTP protocol governs data transfer between a server and a client.
  • To access a Web component, a client supplies a unique universal identifier, called a URL (uniform resource location) or URI (uniform resource identifier) (formally called Universal Document Identifier (UDI)).
  • HTML (hypertext markup language) is the most common format for publishing web documents.

Linking, or connecting resources through hyperlinks, is a defining concept of the Web, aiding its identity as a collection of connected documents.

Benefits of WWW

  1. Creates a presence

Many organizations have realized the benefits of establishing a presence online and have effectively addressed objectives by implementing web based applications to improve their business processes. Therefore, a website has the ability to generate awareness to ensure your products are always available to consumers.

  1. Networking

Organizations and businesses alike strive to establish their presence online. Networking is the best platform to ensure you stay in contact with future clients and companies. Moreover, you can use networking to target a specific audience, thereby increasing revenues.

  1. Exchange of business information

Just like any other technique of advertising, your site can include your business hours, service, e-mail, location and phone for the customers to view. For instance, a hotel might allow clients to make reservations, see what they have as a special menu, and search for vegetarian dishes to help them make informed decisions.

  1. It is convenient

Consumer can easily access your products and services from any part of the world. Your clientele can shop online at the confines of the own homes. Moreover, they can easily search through a large database for particular item instead of having to make long queues at the mall.
