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Difference between HTTP and HTTPs

A lot of people end up getting confused when they see two different URL’s ,they are HTTP and HTTPs. So what is the difference between these two? In this post, I will discuss the evolution of HTTP and the difference between HTTP and HTTPS in simple term so that it makes sense quite easily.

The primary difference between HTTP and HTTPS protocol is that HTTP is not secure whereas HTTPS is a secure protocol which uses TLS/SSL certificate to ensure the authentication.


  1. HTTP stands for “HyperText Transfer Protocol”.
  2. HTTP was developed by ‘Tim Berners-Lee’.
  3. This protocol is used with the web sites in which no need of security.
  4. HTTP used with blog site, information site, etc.
  5. HTTP uses port no : 80
  6. HTTP uses no encryption so less secure.
  7. HTTP needs no certification.
  8. Operates at “Application Layer” in OSI Model.
  9. HTTP URL starts with http://
  10. Browser opens the TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) connection then sends HTTP request to server, server responds through HTTP to browser and then connection of TCP is closed.
  11. “http://www.google.com” , “https://www.freefeast.info/”


  1. HTTPS stands for  “HyperText Transfer Protocol via SSL (Secure Socket Layer)” i.e.“HTTPS = HTTP + SSL”
  2. HTTPS was developed by ‘Netscape Communications ‘.
  3. This protocol is used with the web sites in which no need of security.
  4. This protocol is used with the web sites which are needed to be secure & reliable during transition.
  5. HTTPS is used with shopping sites, banking sites, social sites, etc.
  6. HTTPS uses port no : 443
  7. HTTPS uses encryption for the secure transition so it is more secure.
  8. HTTPS needs certification.
  9. Operates at “Transport Layer”in OSI Model.
  10. HTTPS URL starts with https://
  11. First Authentication is done then selection of ciphers or cryptographic algorithms which client & server supports then encryption technique is used and after that creation of encrypted SSL(Secure Socket Layer) connection and after that HTTP request will work to continue…
  12. https://www.facebook.com/ ” , https://www.paypal.com”