11 Oct Differentiate between Front-end and Back-end Developer.
Front-end and Back-end Developer and its difference:
There are two kinds of web developer who is working for website development.They are Front-end and Back-end Developer.
Front-End: The front end of the website is what you see and interact with. Front end Developers use three main tools: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Each of these technologies serves a different purpose to a Front-End Developer. HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is a formatted document of text and links. It’s used to define the content and structure of a website.
Back-End: The back-end of a website powers a lot of what you see on the front-end. Back-end developers, on the other hand, have little to do with the design of a website or application. Their job is to focus on what makes everything work behind the scenes. Hence, if you are not interested in design, then back-end development should be your focus.