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The Purpose of E-commerce Website and Web design

E-commerce :: The Purpose of E-commerce Website and Web design:
Since the importance of E-Commerce website is increasing day by day, the importance of E-Commerce web design is also increasing. Before going to discuss about E-Commerce web design, everyone should know about E-Commerce website and its purpose.
Introduction to E-Commerce Website:
E-Commerce means “Electronic Commerce”, which term is also used for “selling on the internet” or “online-shopping”. Electronic Commerce includes many categories into a single platform, such as online funds transfer, internet marketing, electronic data interchanging, supply chain management, online transaction management and data collecting.
Every good eCommerce website should have a fixed goal and should be able to ta

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e-commerce key on a white keyboard closeup. E-commerce

rget the user section it is best suited to. It should be well defined, should have an easy to use and interactive UI, it should also be smooth and secure. The naming of the website should be unique and catchy so that it remains in the minds of the users. Publicity of the website is also essential to have good traffic. The website should be advertised with key features, some products and services, some photographs and guarantee seals on social media platforms which are highly popular amongst the people these days.
There are certain points which should be taken care of while designing an ecommerce website:
• The content of the website should be clear, descriptive of what it is mentioning, simple and interactive, informative, updated and ofcourse, unique.
• The website should have a well-defined structure and the pages should be linked with each other so that the user doesn’t feel lost while surfing.
• The website’s design should be simple yet interesting and should be readable and easy to understand. It should also be consistent and should be designed focusing on the ultimate aim.
• The website should be easy to browse and navigate and should make the user confused or lost. There should not be many links associated with a single product and description should be interesting enough to grab some eyeballs.
• The website should be credible and appear authentic to the user. The customers should be convinced of the safety and unmatched quality of the product your website has to offer. Including a verifiable phone number and address is always a good approach as it convinces the user of authenticity of the website. Introducing live chat feature is also a great thing to do. It is better to include the company’s details (phone number, address etc.) on every page of the website so that the user can access it at any time he wishes to and he doesn’t have to go back to the homepage every time.
